Smoked Herring Kippers
Sold in 1 lb packages - Product of Canada
A tasty addition to breakfast, lunch, or dinner, these smoked kippers from Comeau's can be poached, baked, fried, or boiled to your taste. Absolutely no chemicals are used in the smoking process.
- Simple ingredients: herring, salt, natural wood smoke.
- Contents must be cooked before eating.
The kippers arrived still frozen and well packed. They smelled delicious as soon as I opened the box and couldn't wait to try them. They were just as good as I expected, but I found that when i baked them, they were a little chewy and rubbery on the top layer. I am still happy with my order. I cannot get kippers here, and to order them through a British store would coat me about 17 dollars per package. I will definitely be ordering again and telling my friends. Again, thnk you very much.
I must say the kippered here we received from True North were of the highest quality. We look forward to ordering other products from them.
Hi, Received the Kippers fast and in great condition. They taste great, the only complaint is they do not have the bone removed, the hair bones I know cannot be removed but the main bones can. Most of the Kippers I have had before have been sealed in a plastic bag with butter and easy to prepare, these take a while to get all the bone out and it is messy but they taste good.